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MUNDUS VINI Summer Tasting 2018: Redhill Pinotage takes Best of Show SA

We are proud to announce our Mundus Vini 2018 Summer Tasting results, which took place in Germany recently.

The Mundus Vini International Wine Award is regarded as one of the most prestigious international awards, taking place twice a year and open to producers from all regions around the world. The competition is overseen by an independent and neutral panel of international judges, which guarantees that the competition is both fair and professional. This means that all medals bestowed on the wines and their producers are highly regarded.

The Simonsig team entered only four wines in the Mundus Vini 2018 Summer Tasting, and it is a great honour that they all did well. Most notably, the Simonsig Redhill Pinotage 2016 was awarded the much-coveted “Best of Show South Africa”, an outstanding result. Full results below.

All these wines are available for purchase at our Tasting Room, online wine shop and selected retailers.