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Meet the team: Danelle Fourie

Meet Danelle Fourie, Principal of our De Hoop Day Care and Simonsig Aftercare Centre, who actually started off wanting to be a palaeontologist!

  1. Where were you born?

I was born in Paarl, but I grew up on a farm called Meerlust in Stellenbosch. We have been living there for 22 years now.

  1. How long are you at Simonsig?

On the 24th of September I will be working at Simonsig for 8 months.

  1. Why did you choose to follow a career in education?

I love working with children and seeing how they grow from day to day. I enjoy every second of the day with my kids here at the school. They bring me such joy and laughter. When I have a bad day or am not feeling well, seeing them makes me feel better.

I also had an uncle who motivated me to go into education. He used to bring his children to me to look after and called it “crèche”. He would always say, “You should do teaching because you are very good in taking care of children.”

  1. What is the most challenging part of job?

When you think something will work – especially when you want to focus on a certain point to develop a holistic child – and it doesn’t, and you have to find another method that actually works.

  1. How would your colleagues describe you?

Funny, smart, friendly, always willing to help others, kind-hearted, strict, loyal, caring and always smiling.

  1. What’s your personal theme song / mantra?

My Testimony by Marvin Sapp. I also use this line whenever I have achieved something: “Our God is Awesome”.

  1. What did you want to be growing up?

A palaeontologist.

  1. How do you relax / unwind?

Going to the beach. I also love listening to music or reading a book in bed.

  1. Which living person do you most admire, and why?

Definitely my mother. She doesn’t let anything stop her from getting what she wants. She grabs every opportunity with both hands. She is strong and doesn’t let anything get her down. She is an amazing mother to me and my baby sister (7). She is my best friend and always there for me. She is just amazing.

  1. Who would play you in the film of your life?

My niece, Kaylin (4), because she is always pretending to be me.

  1. If you could be a super hero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

I would want wings to fly to every place in the world.

  1. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Getting my diploma in education and achieving my goals that I am still working on.

  1. What’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever received?

That I am cute and doing an excellent job as Principal.

  1. How would you like to be remembered?

As a hard worker, funny, friendly, caring and as someone that loved to help others. I also want to be remembered as a strong and fair leader.

  1. Did you ever want to change your name to something else?

No, never, because I actually love my name.

  1. What is the worst job you’ve done?

I didn’t have any. The only part I didn’t enjoy was when I taught far from home and I didn’t get to see my family.

  1. What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

Never to judge a book by its cover, always be faithful and to wait on God’s timing.

  1. Sweet or savoury?

Definitely savoury.

  1. Red or white wine?


  1. What is your greatest fear?

Losing my mother.